“Cheerios” battle over the flag, cheer at powderpuff game

On September 22, the Dixie High School senior girls beat the junior girls in the yearly powder puff game.
There were also some cheerios, or boy cheerleaders, who were entertaining the crowd during the game.
One of those cheerios was Tayan Hodges, a senior.
“I joined the cheerios cause some of my friends and I got together and we decided hey we decided it’s our senior year and this will be a fun experience to do,” he said.
Another one of the cheerios was Nathan Larkin, a senior.
¨I joined because it just seemed like a lot of fun and a fun way to get to know some new people,¨ he said.
During the game, the junior class student section started off with the Dixie High School flag. They had the flag for the first half of the game and into the second half of the game. Eventually, the senior student section got the flag back and everyone was all excited and cheering.
“I definitely think we deserved the flag the whole time because seniors and when we did get it the crowd definitely got hyped we definitely should have had it from the beginning,” said Hodges.
Most of the seniors felt a similar way about the flag. Larkin said ¨I was relieved and happy because I felt like the seniors deserved to have the flag from the beginning.¨
The cheerios did very well and some may said they practiced really hard.
“The practices were really hard and had to practice like three days about an hour and a half and if you weren’t flexible it was pretty hard,” Hodges said.
Fan-favorite cheerios were Thomas Larsen and Nathan Larkin, other cheerios said.
¨My favorite cheerio would definitely be Nathan Larkin. He was the best out there and also Thomas Larsen he was really good,” Hodges said.
Larkin also said ¨definitely Thomas Larsen. He looked great in the uniform and was hype the whole time.¨
Overall everyone involved at the powderpuff game said they had a lot of fun.